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ESG Activities

Green Innovation for Sustainable Operation


PT ANTAM Tbk of UBPP Logam Mulia firmly commits to collaboratively assist with Government in achieving the target of the National Sustainable Development Goals. The commitment is a supporting effort by Company in maintaining environment and responsibility to the implementation of responsible operations in accordance with the Company's mission, such as applying suitable use of environment-based innovation and technology for maximizing added-value for stakeholders, company, and environment economically, efficiently, and effectively in the utilization of natural resources.

Further, this commitment has established in various applications of environment and social empowerment-based work and innovation policies and programs. Those work and innovation programs include in several scopes, energy efficiency, emission decreasing, water efficiency, and load reduction, 3R of Waste, B3 Waste, and 3R of Non-B3 Waste, Biological Diversity, and Community Development. These programs have been sustainably implemented and improved in the upcoming years.

Besides being applied in the Company's internal production areas, those programs and innovations are also applied in society. Application in the society is the form of knowledge transfer to the society regarding principles of environment conservation. The program is directly performed by management and employees in the process of competency transfer. The commitment is the real evidence of the Company related to environmental sustainability in the society.

Moreover, the Company has social innovation related to social empowerment or community development. NYIMAS Program or “Nyimpan Emas (Saving Gold)” is one of the flagship programs for community development, where society is invited to participate in saving gold through waste, considered invaluable things. The innovation successfully increase society’s participation in gathering waste to be managed by the Waste Bank.


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